• Volume 17 (2016)

    Volume 17 No 01

      17 German Law Journal No. 1 (2016) Articles Ethics and Corruption: An Introduction to the Special Issue Peter Graeff Dark Sides of Anti-Corruption Law: A Typology and Recent Developments in German Anti-Bribery…

  • Volume 17 (2016)

    Volume 17 No 03

      17 German Law Journal No. 3 (2016) Articles The (Possible) Role of the Right to Social Security in the EU Economic Monitoring Process E. De Becker Migration of European Judicial Ideas Concerning…

  • News


    German Law Journal and a Loud “No” to Brexit The German Law Journal has a proud history of publishing in the fields of European, Transnational, and Comparative law. Much of this work engages,…

  • Volume 18 (2017)

    Volume 18 No 03

      18 German Law Journal No. 3 (2017) Articles Psychoanalyzing International Law(yers) Matthew Nicholson Human Rights, Symbolic Form, and the Idea of the Global Constitution Nathan Gibbs  “Just Business” – Is the Current…

  • Volume 14 (2013)

    Volume 14 No 07

      14 German Law Journal No. 7 (2013) Articles Sustainable Corporations in Non-Financial Sectors Through Optimal Design of Executive Pay David Hansen “Say on Pay” In Germany: The Regulatory Framework and Empirical Evidence…

  • Volume 10 (2009)

    Volume 10 No 02

      10 German Law Journal No. 2 (2009) Article Judicial Services for Global Commerce – Made in Germany? Gralf‐Peter Calliess & Hermann B. Hoffmann Development Case‐note on Joined Cases C‐402/05 P & C‐415/05…

  • Volume 09 (2008)

    Volume 09 No 12

      9 German Law Journal No. 12 (2008) Memorial: David Currie and German Constitutional Law Editorial Russell A. Miller David Currie and German Constitutional Law Peter E. Quint German Equal Protection: Substantive Review…

  • Volume 08 (2007)

    Volume 08 No 04

      8 German Law Journal No. 4 (2007) Article Corporate Social Responsibility and Transparency in the Development of Energy and Mining Projects in Emerging Markets; Is Soft Law the Answer? Bede Nwete State-Dialogue…

  • Volume 08 (2007)

    Volume 08 No 06

      8 German Law Journal No. 6 (2007) Article Law on Churches and Religion in the European Legal Area – Through German Glasses Hans Michael Heinig Ethics, Law and the Challenge of Cognitive…

  • Volume 08 (2007)

    Volume 08 No 10

      8 German Law Journal No. 10 (2007) Special Issue: ‘Coup d’état in the courtroom’ The Juridical Coup d’État and the Problem of Authority Alec Stone Sweet Juridical Transformation as Process: A Comment…