• Volume 11 (2010)

    Volume 11 No 05

      11 German Law Journal No. 5 (2010) German/European Law Conversion Series Criminal Responsibility of German Soldiers in Afghanistan:  The Case of Colonel Klein Constantin von der Groeben Article The Limitations of the…

  • Volume 10 (2009)

    Volume 10 No 01

      10 German Law Journal No. 1 (2009) Special Issue: The Kantain Project of International Law Introduction – The Kantian Project of International Law: Engagements with Jürgen Habermas’ The Divided West Achilles Skordas…

  • Volume 10 (2009)

    Volume 10 No 07

      10 German Law Journal No. 7 (2009) Section 1: ‘Same Ol’, Same Ol’?’ Reflecting on Curricular Reform Law and Learning in an Era of Globalization Harry W. Arthurs The Law School, the…

  • Volume 10 (2009)

    Volume 10 No 10

      10 German Law Journal No. 10 (2009) Festakt Remarks Remarks at the Opening of the Symposium Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the German Law Journal – In Praise of Transnationalism Brun‐Otto Bryde…

  • Volume 10 (2009)

    Volume 10 No 11

      10 German Law Journal No. 11 (2009) Article Restricting Freedom of Contract through Non-Discrimination Provisions? A Comparison of the Draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR) and the German “General Equality Law” Franz…

  • Volume 08 (2007)

    Volume 08 No 01

      8 German Law Journal No. 1 (2007) Articles: Special Issue – What Future for Kosovo Special Issue Introduction – What Future for Kosovo? – From Province to Protectorate to State? Speculation on…

  • Volume 08 (2007)

    Volume 08 No 11

      8 German Law Journal No.11 (2007) Article The ECJ, Volkswagen and European Corporate Law: Reshaping the European Varieties of Capitalism Peer Zumbansen & Daniel Saam The Guarantee of Defence Counsel and the…

  • Volume 05 (2004)

    Volume 05 No 07

      5 German Law Journal No. 7 (2004) Public Law Second-Class Citizens? Restricted Freedom of Movement for Spätaussiedler is Constitutional Amanda Klekowski von Koppenfels* The Hamburg Terror Trials – American Political Poker and…

  • Volume 05 (2004)

    Volume 05 No 10

      5 German Law Journal No. 10 (2004) Public Law Why Aren’t German Penal Policies Harsher and Imprisonment Rates Higher? Michael Tonry Police and Prosecutions: Vanishing Differences between Practices in England and Germany…

  • Volume 03 (2002)

    Volume 03 No 12

      3 German Law Journal No. 12 (2002) Between Law and Necessity: The Federal Constitutional Court Confirms the Right of the Federal Government to Warn the Public (In Reply to Marion Albers) Reinhard…