GLJ Welcomes Submissions
The German Law Journal warmly welcomes submissions of high-quality, including articles, essays, case-notes, comments and reviews, which focus on German, European, or international legal developments. The Journal publishes in English. Submissions should exclusively be sent to:
Peer-Review Procedure
All unsolicited contributions are reviewed in a blind peer-review procedure on a rolling basis. The review of an article usually takes 4–6 weeks, but the Journal reserves the right to review texts for as long as necessary to reach a publication decision.
Rights and Obligations
Editors’ Rights:
The editors receive articles with the understanding that the contents are original, unpublished material and have not been submitted for publication elsewhere. Authors intending to republish articles, or to use previously published material as part of an article, must indicate this intention at the time they accept the invitation to publish or, in the case of unsolicited articles, at the time of submission.
The editors reserve the right to edit contributions.
The editors reserve the right to return articles unpublished if they do not meet GLJ standards regarding substance.
Authors’ Rights:
Authors have the opportunity to review corrections before publication, provided the articles are submitted to the editors in a timely manner.
There is no general deadline for a contribution in the Articles Section of the Journal. Submissions are peer-reviewed on a rolling basis. The general deadline for a contribution in the Developments Section to be considered for publication in the forthcoming issue (at the First of every month) is the 10th of the preceding month (i.e. 10 August for the September Issue). However, exceptional deadlines are arranged with authors on an individual basis. Deadlines may only be revised with the express consent of the editors. Authors acknowledge they may be waiving their right to review proofs prior to publication if they submit their articles after the mutually-agreed upon deadline.
Important Notice Regarding Conformance to these Guidelines:
If an article, following acceptance, is not in substantial conformance to these Guidelines, the editors reserve the right to return the article for revision by the author. Authors acknowledge they may be waiving their right to review proofs prior to publication if the article is returned to them for revision to bring it into conformance with the Guidelines. If revised and re-submitted in time to allow the editors to meet their publication deadline, such articles will appear in the agreed upon issue of the Journal. If such articles are not revised and re-submitted in time to allow inclusion in the agreed upon issue of the Journal, the editors may, in view of the timeliness of the theme, reserve the article for publication in a later issue of the Journal.
Technical Requirements
1. Authors must submit their texts as an email attachment to, saved in MS Word (.docx) format. NOTE: Authors who are not using Windows are requested to provide additional time for the editors to correct errors due to conversion.
2. Text must be saved in a simple format, i.e. without automatic hyphenation, automatic indexing of section headings, with a consistent script, with an unjustified right margin and NO activated hyperlinks or other macros.
3. Draft the text in the American English system of MS Word, which can be selected by clicking “Extras” in the tool-bar at the top of the MS Word window and then clicking “Sprache” or “Language” followed by “Sprache bestimmen” or “Select language.” This is important for maintaining consistent punctuation.
4. Information quoted or relied upon from other sources (published or unpublished) must be cited in footnotes.
5. Authors are solely responsible for content of both text and footnotes.
Stylistic Requirements
1. HEADINGS in text shall appear as follows:
First level – A., B., C., D., etc.
Second level – I., II., III., IV., etc.
Third level – 1., 2., 3., 4., etc.
Fourth level – a), b), c), d), etc.
Fifth level – aa), bb), cc), dd), etc
2. DATES shall appear as follows: 28 April 1996.
3. The Journal style with regard to QUOTATION MARKS is as follows. For a quotation, i.e. when reporting a source’s exact language, please use double quotation marks (“ x “).
4. NAMES of cases and, e.g. ships shall appear in italics (kursiv) both in the text and in the footnotes. The names of persons are not to be italicized.
5. Non-English words and phrases (including i.e., e.g., etc., and so on) shall appear in italics (kursiv) both in the text and in the footnotes and must be followed by the English-language translation in parens. After the first such double use of the word it is permissible to simply use the non-English word.
E.g. The Bundesverfassungsgericht (Federal Constitutional Court) is the protector of the Grundgesetz (Basic Law).
Subsequent uses may simply be: Bundesverfassungsgericht and Grundgesetz.
6. ABBREVIATIONS in both text and footnotes are encouraged, provided the full name is given the first time it appears, with the abbreviation noted in parentheses. Excepted from this rule are standard abbreviations: vol., ed., Art., para., Ser., No., cf., Res., UNTS, ILM, GA, etc.
7. Words never abbreviated: chapter, section (to be used instead of part).
General Citation Requirements
Names of authors:
Full names (first and last) must be provided where possible (but not italicized).
Page numbers:
1. Both the page number on which the article, essay, case, or treaty begins and the page on which the cited material appears must be cited after the volume number and year: 22 Harvard International Law Journal 53, 59 (1981)
2. Do not use f., ff., s., or ss (see 2. preceding).
3. Where the first page of the article and the page where the cited material is found are the same, the page number should only appear once.
Publication information:
1. Years of publication are required for all sources.
2. Please do not cite the city or country of publication for books.
Subsequent Citations:
1. Do not use op. cit. or Ibid.
2. For a citation immediately after the original citation, Id. with the new page number shall appear.
E.g. 24. Id., 31.
3. For a citation not immediately following the original, cite to the author’s last name(or if no author, the title of the cited work), the footnote of the original citation typed in parentheses, and the page number or provision where the cited material appears.
E.g. 35. SCHACHTSCHNEIDER (note 23), 24.
E.g. 36. SCHACHTSCHNEIDER (note 23).
E.g. 36. Convention against All Forms of Discrimination (note 2), Art. 12.
4. Reference to footnotes above or following should be made as follows:
E.g. See, supra, note 23.
E.g. See, infra, note 46.
Specific Citation Requirements
1. Citations to books must include in the following order: the author’s or editor’s name, the full title, volume number(s) when applicable, and the year of publication (in parens.). And in small caps (except the names of editors)
2. When citing to specific language or a specific idea, the page number on which it appears shall follow the title of the publication.
Collected Works:
1. The name of the author of the cited essay should appear first, followed by the title of the essay, the word “in“ and the title of the book and the first page of the essay or chapter and the page on which the quoted language appears. The editors names and the year of publication follow in parens.
Book chapter:
Rolf Bahmer, Peace as a Solution to the Asylum Polemic, in PEACE IN THEWORLD ORDER, 654, 732 (Barbara Watts & Martin Smith eds., 1975)
2. When citing generally to an entire essay in a collection, cite only to the first page number of the essay.
Hans Maier, Art. 5 (1), in: KOMMENTAR ZUM GRUNDGESETZ (Manfred Schmidt ed., 2nd ed., 2002), margin number 15.
1. Journal volumes should be abbreviated vol., and not Band, Jhrg, etc. The author of the article should be followed by the title of the article, the volume number, the name of the journal the first page at which the article appears in the journal, followed by specific page numbers for quoted or cited material and the year (in parens.).
2. The full name of each journal must appear the first time it is cited. Abbreviations should be noted in parentheses and may be used in all subsequent cites to the same journal.
E.g. Martin Krimhengen, Security Council Sanctions after the Gulf War: A Question of Credibility, 23 DUTCH REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL LAW(DRIL) 65, 66 (1975).
1. Required information includes the treaty name, the date of signing, the countries signing (if three or fewer), the source, volume number, first page number, and page containing cited material.
2. Treaty collections shall be abbreviated as: UNTS, LNTS, ILM (without periods).
3. The abbreviated source name should precede the volume number; the year of publication should follow the volume number; the first page number and the particular page should follow that. UNTS sources should be provided without the year of publication.
4. Information on ratification should be included in parentheses.
E.g. Convention for the Avoidance of Double Citizenship, 25 January 1924, Germany-Russia-Poland, Art. 20, UNTS, vol. 22, 221, 234 (not ratified by Germany).
E.g. Undersea Fishery Convention, 30 March 1989, Arts. 23-24, ILM, vol. 32, 1993, 75, 79 (ratified through 1996 by seventeen States including Germany, Russia, Great Britain and China).
1. All case names should be in italics (kursiv).
2. Versus should be abbreviated v.
3. Where appropriate or necessary, short case names should be provided in parentheses.
4. Cites to specific language in decisions should include a cite to the page or paragraph where it appears. If citing to paragraphs, please abbreviate para.
ICJ Cases:
1. Parties to the case should be included in parentheses following the title.
2. The abbreviation should precede the volume number (year), and the page or paragraph number should follow.
E.g. Military and Paramilitary Activities in and against Nicaragua(Nicaragua v. United States), ICJ Reports 1986, 14, 21.
PCIJ Cases:
E.g. Eastern Carelia Case, PCIJ 1923, Series B, No. 5, 7.
European Court of Human Rights Cases:
Up to and including 1996:
Eur. Court H.R., Sainte-Marie v. France, Judgment of 16 December 1992, Series A, No. 253-A, para. 10.
After 1996:
Eur. Court H.R., D. v. The United Kingdom, Judgment of 2 May 1997, Reports of Judgments and Decisions 1997-III, 77, para. 10.
Judgments of European Community Courts:
Preceding 1990:
Case 70/87, Fediol v. Commission (Fediol III), 1989 E.C.R. 1781, para. 14 (opinion of AG van Gerven).
Cases before the European Court of Justice:
Case C-188/88, Germany v. Commission, 1992 E.C.R. I-1689, paras. 42-47. (this last section refers to the paragraphs in the judgment cited to)
Cases before Court of Auditors (Tribunal, or Court of First Instance):
Case T-115/94, Opel Austria v. Council, 1997 E.C.R. II-39, para. 20 (hereinafter Opel Austria case).
Early cases (without paragraph notations):
Case 6/64, Costa v. ENEL, 1964 E.C.R. 1251, 1269.
US Supreme Court Decisions:
206 U.S. 46 (1907).
European Court Opinions:
Opinion 1/91, Draft Treaty on the establishment of a European Economic Area (re EEA), 1991 E.C.R. I-6079, para. 21.
European Community Legislative Materials:
EC Directive 96/9 of 11 March 1996, O.J. 1996 L 77/20.
European Commission Documents:
COM (94) 143 final, 15 April 1994.
UN Documents:
UN Charter, Arts. 2-3.
SC Res. 452 of 29 July 1979.
Report on the Assumption of Belgian Sovereignty, UN Doc. A/AC.121/30/Add. 1 (1981).
UN GAOR, 15th Session, Supp. 16, UN Doc. A/4684 (1961).
GA Resolutions through 1975:
GA Res. 3427 (XXX) of 8 November 1975.
GA Resolutions after 1975
GA Res. 31/3 of 7 September 1976.
League of Nations Documents:
Acts of the Conference for the Codification of International Law, vol. II: Minutes of the First Committee (Nationality), LN Doc. C.351(a).M.145(a).1930.V. (1930.V.15.), 13.
Internet, etc.:
Reference made to legal materials found on websites or in journals as follows:
E.g. …available at:
E.g. …reprinted in: ILM, vol. 32, 1984, 75.