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      Instructions for Contributors The German Law Journal (GLJ) warmly welcomes submissions of high-quality, including articles, essays, comments and reviews, which focus on German, European, or international legal developments.  The Journal publishes in English. GLJ…


    GLJ Welcomes Submissions The German Law Journal warmly welcomes submissions of high-quality, including articles, essays, case-notes, comments and reviews, which focus on German, European, or international legal developments.  The Journal publishes in English.  All submitted files must…

  • Imprint

    Legal Disclosure Information in accordance with Section 5 TMG German Law Journal e.V. ℅ Lehrstuhl für Öffentliches Recht III (Prof. Towfigh) EBS Law School Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 3 65189 Wiesbaden Represented by Dr. Klaas Eller…

  • Volume 04 (2003)

    Volume 04 No 12

      4 German Law Journal No. 12 (2003) Public Law Federal Constitutional Court Grants Interim Legal Protection Against Service of a Writ of Punitive Damages Suit Bettina Friedrich Extradition, Human Rights, and the…


      GLJ Welcomes Submissions The German Law Journal warmly welcomes submissions of high-quality, including articles, essays, case-notes, comments and reviews, which focus on German, European, or international legal developments.  The Journal publishes in…

  • Volume 09 (2008)

    Volume 09 No 02

      9 German Law Journal No. 2 (2008) Article Name Changes as Symbolic Reparation after Transition: the Examples of Germany and South Africa Mia Swart Lüth’s 50th Anniversary: Some Comparative Observations on the…