GLJ Symposium on Populism and Constitutionalism, 25-26 April 2019 On 25th and 26th April 2019 the German Law Journal organizes, in cooperation with Cambridge University Press, a symposium on Populism and Constitutionalism, hosted by the London…


    An Open Access, Peer Reviewed Forum for Transnational and Interdisciplinary Encounters with German, European & International Law When the founding editors of the German Law Journal, Russell A. Miller and Peer C. Zumbansen, were…

  • Volume 09 (2008)

    Volume 09 No 11

      9 German Law Journal No. 11 (2008) Special Issue: The Exercise of Public Authority by International Institutions Developing the Publicness of Public International Law: Towards a Legal Framework for Global Governance Activities…

  • Volume 04 (2003)

    Volume 04 No 12

      4 German Law Journal No. 12 (2003) Public Law Federal Constitutional Court Grants Interim Legal Protection Against Service of a Writ of Punitive Damages Suit Bettina Friedrich Extradition, Human Rights, and the…


      GLJ Welcomes Submissions The German Law Journal warmly welcomes submissions of high-quality, including articles, essays, case-notes, comments and reviews, which focus on German, European, or international legal developments.  The Journal publishes in…

  • Editorials

    Editorial | Volume 23 No. 2

    Dear Readers, Didn’t we all wish for a fresh and calm but rather uneventful spring – where we would renew the joy of the wonderful aspects of academic life: engaging with colleagues and…