• News


    German Law Journal and a Loud “No” to Brexit The German Law Journal has a proud history of publishing in the fields of European, Transnational, and Comparative law. Much of this work engages,…

  • News

    Party Ban

    Constitutional Court Decides NPD-Party Ban Case On 17 January 2017 the German Federal Constitutional Court issued its long-awaited judgment on the federal states’ application to ban the National Democratic Party of Germany.  The…

  • Volume 18 (2017)

    Volume 18 No 03

      18 German Law Journal No. 3 (2017) Articles Psychoanalyzing International Law(yers) Matthew Nicholson Human Rights, Symbolic Form, and the Idea of the Global Constitution Nathan Gibbs  “Just Business” – Is the Current…

  • Editorials

    Editorial | Volume 22 No. 1

    Dear readers, It is our pleasure to bring to you this latest issue of the German Law Journal, (vol. 22 issue 1), the first of a new year that has already been highly eventful.…