GLJ Welcomes Submissions

The German Law Journal warmly welcomes submissions of high-quality, including articles, essays, case-notes, comments and reviews, which focus on German, European, or international legal developments.  The Journal publishes in English.  All submitted files must be anonymous and may not contain any identifying information. Submissions should exclusively be made through ScholarOne:

In case of questions, please contact our submissions editor (no submissions accepted via e-mail, though):

Peer-Review Procedure

All unsolicited contributions are reviewed in a blind peer-review procedure on a rolling basis. The review of an article usually takes 6-8 weeks, but the Journal reserves the right to review texts for as long as necessary to reach a publication decision.

Editing Contributions and Copyright

The Journal receives submissions with the understanding that the content is original, unpublished material and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere, whether in print or in electronic form. Authors intending to republish articles, or to use previously published material as part of an article, must indicate this intention at the time they accept the invitation to publish or, in the case of unsolicited articles, at the time of submission.

The Journal reserves the right to edit contributions. Authors have the opportunity to review corrections before publication, provided they meet the deadlines in the Journal’s production schedule. The Journal reserves the right the return articles unpublished if they do not meet the GLJ’s substantive standards.

The German Law Journal retains the copyright over its publications, including each full issue and the individual pieces.

Technical Requirements

1. Authors must submit their text through ScholarOne at In case of questions, please contact our submissions editor at

2. All submitted texts must be written in American English. Texts must be saved in a simple format, i.e. without automatic hyphenation, automatic indexing of section headings, with a consistent script, with an unjustified right margin, and no activated hyperlinks or other macros.

3. Any and all information relied upon from other works, both published and unpublished, must be cited in footnotes. By submitting a work to the GLJ, the author guarantees that he or she is solely responsible for the content of the text and citations.

4. All submitted files must be anonymous and may not contain any identifying. Authors should name their submission document in the following way: “Title of article ([first submission or second revised submission])”.

5. We expect exclusivity. Thus, the author must confirm in the submission email that the paper has not been submitted to or reviewed by another journal at the same time. If the submission has been published before (e.g. in an edited collection) or has been published in a different language, this should also be indicated in the submission email (see Editing Contributions and Copyright).

Any failure to comply with these requirements will result in a void submission, and the submitted piece will be returned to the author without consideration for publication.

Stylistic Requirements

The GLJ reserves the right to restyle any accepted texts for publication according to the German Law Journal Style Guide, which is available for download as a PDF here. Submission to the GLJ indicates the author’s acceptance of the GLJ’s publication rules, style guidelines, and citation formatting.

Citation Requirements

1. All footnotes must comply with the German Law Journal Style Guide, which is available for download as a PDF here. When the German Law Journal Style Guide is silent on rules governing citations, all texts must comply with the latest edition of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation.

 2. Authors must supply the full names of authors, texts (i.e. book and/or article name), journal name, additional publication information (i.e. editors, volume number, edition number), case names, court information, and year of publication.

3. Authors must provide specific page numbers for all cited materials. Any citation that does not come from a specific page range within a cited work must be cited as See generally. For example:

4. Subsequent citations to the same source must be signaled by Id. The use of op. cit. or Ibid is not permitted. For example: Id. at 15.

5. Subsequent citations to a previously used source must be signaled by the source author’s last name, followed by supra, note [footnote number of first use], at [pin cite]. For example:

6. For specific citation requirements of cases from German courts or other international courts, see the German Law Journal Style Guide, which is available for download as a PDF here.  All American case citations should be cited in accordance with the latest edition of the The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation. For example: