Public Law
Second-Class Citizens? Restricted Freedom of Movement for Spätaussiedler is Constitutional
Amanda Klekowski von Koppenfels*
The Hamburg Terror Trials – American Political Poker and German Legal Procedure: An Unlikely Combination to Fight International Terrorism
Loammi Blaauw-Wolf
Private Law
The Mannesmann Trial and the Role of the Courts
Peter Kolla
European & International Law
As Sounding Brass, or a Tinkling Cymbal? Reflections on the Inaugural Conference International Law
Morag Goodwin and Alexandra Kemmerer*
The Statute of the Iraqi Special Tribunal for Crimes Against Humanity– Progressive or Regressive?
Olaoluwa Olusanya
Legal Culture
Helmut Kohl
Book Review – Peer Zumbansen, Ordnungsmuster im modernen Wohlfahrtsstaat. Lernerfahrungen zwischen Staat, Gesellschaft und Vertrag, Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2000, 363 S., 56 Euro.
Volker Neumann
Book Review – Peer Zumbansen (edt.), Zwangsarbeit im Dritten Reich : Erinnerung und Verantwortung ; juristische und zeithistorische Betrachtungen (NS-forced labor in The Third Reich: Remembrance and Resposibility; Legal and Historical Observations ) Nomos (2002)
Christoph Safferling
Habilitation Thesis Review – Peer Zumbansen, Innovation und Pfadabhängigkeit – Unternehmensverfassung in der Wissensgesellschaft (Innovation and Path-dependency – Enterprise Constitution in the Knowledge Society) (Frankfurt am Main, 2004)
Gregor Bachmann