Volume 06 (2005)

Volume 06 No 02


6 German Law Journal No. 2 (2005)

Articles: Special Issue – Confronting Memories

Introduction to the Special Issue: Confronting Memories: European “Bitter Experiences” and the Constitutionalization Process: Constructing Europe in the Shadow of its Pasts
Christian Joerges

Methodological and Substantive Remarks on Myth, Memory and History in the Construction of a European Community
Bo Stråth

Present-ing the Past: Political Narratives on European History and the Justification of EU Integration
Fabrice Larat

National Constitutions, Liberal State, Fascist State and the Holocaust in Belgium and Bulgaria
David Fraser

Constitutional Identity and the Politics of Homogeneity
Matthias Mahlmann

The Idea of Thick Constitutional Patriotism and Its Implications for the Role and Structure of European Legal History
Mattias Kumm

Constitutional Erinnerungsarbeit: Ambivalence and Translation
Alexander Somek

Populist Nationalism, Anti-Europeanism, Post-nationalism, and the East-West Distinction
Paul Blokker

Populist Use of Memory and Constitutionalism: Two Comments – I
Patricia Chiantera-Stutte

Populist Use of Memory and Constitutionalism: Two Comments – II
Andrea Pető

Memory, Politics and Law — The Eichmann Trial: Hannah Arendt’s View on the Jerusalem Court’s Competence
Thomas Mertens

Legal Consequences of Past Collective Wrongdoing after Communism
András Sajó

Defining Europe Against its Past? – Memory Politics and the Sanctions Against Austria in France and Germany
Stefan Seidendorf

Preparing the Ground for Constitutionalization through Reconciliation Work
Anton Legerer

Europeanization as a Challenge to Legal History
Thorsten Keiser

Law’s Past and Europe’s Future
Vivian Grosswald Curran


Genocidal Politics and Racialization of Intervention: From Rwanda to Darfur and Beyond
Shedrack C. Agbakwa

Comments on the Draft of the New German Private Law Anti-Discrimination Act : Implementing Directives 2000/43/EC and 2004/113/EC in German Private Law
Florian Stork

The Management Board’s permission to disclose Due Diligence Information Before a Corporate Acquisition in consideration of the Impact of the Act to Improve the Protection of Investors (Gesetz zur Verbesserung des Anlegerschutzes)
Maximilian Rittmeister