Volume 10 No 07
10 German Law Journal No. 7 (2009)
Section 1: ‘Same Ol’, Same Ol’?’ Reflecting on Curricular Reform
Law and Learning in an Era of Globalization
Harry W. Arthurs
The Law School, the Market and the New Knowledge Economy
Margaret Thornton
ICT in Legal Education
Antoinette Muntjewerff
Reflections on U.S. Law Curricular Reform
Toni M. Fine
Challenges in Legal Education and the Development of a New European Private Law
Bram Akkermans
Section 2: ‘Geared Toward Practice?’ Assessing the Current Law School Race to Legal Skills-Building
Western Europe: Last Holdout in the Worldwide Acceptance of Clinical Legal Education
Richard Wilson
Adapting Indian Legal Education to the Demands of a Globalising World
Nehaluddin Ahmad
Section 3: ‘Inside-Out?’ Towards a Transnational Legal Education?
Transnational Law’ as Proto-Concept: Three Conceptions
Craig Scott
Section 4: ‘Learning to Think and Act Like a Lawyer’ The Challenge of Professionalism in the Profession: Legal Ethics
‘In the Public Interest’: The Responsibilities and Rights of Government Lawyers
Allan C. Hutchinson
Sustainable Professionalism
Trevor C.W. Farrow
Canadian Legal Ethics: Ready for the Twenty-First Century At Last
Adam Dodek
Section 5: ‘Is More More?’ Thinking about Student Organization, Government and Community
Student Participation in Legal Education in Germany and Europe
Lisa Rieder & Hanjo Hamann
The Five Lessons I Learned Through Clinical Education
Nadia Chiesa