Volume 23 | Issue 4
Making Do With What We Have: On the Interpretation and Enforcement of the EU’s Founding Values
Tom L. Boekestein
Beware the Lure of Narratives: “Hungry Judges” Should Not Motivate the Use of “Artificial Intelligence” in Law
Konstantin Chatziathanasiou
Adjudicating national contexts – Domestic particularity in the practices of the European Court of Human Rights?
Magnus Esmark, Henrik Palmer Olsen, Matthias Smed Larsen and William Hamilton Byrne
From Modeled Topics to Areas of Law: A Comparative Analysis of Types of Proceedings in the German Federal Constitutional Court
Luisa Wendel, Anna Shadrova and Alexander Tischbirek
Biased Reflections on German Legal Cultures – An Essay from Corona Times
Hanne Petersen
Differential Data Protection Regimes in Data-Driven Research: Why the GDPR is More Research-Friendly Than You Think
Giovanni Comandè and Giulia Schneider
On Reaching a Crime Scene Ahead of the Criminal: Dreams of Police and Technology from the 1970s to Today
Amadou Korbinian Sow
The Criminal Liability of Corrections Officers in German Prisons: The Landmark Decision of the Federal Court of Justice from November 28, 2019 (2 StR 557/18)
Luisa Hartmann and Johannes Munzert
“Verbandssanktionengesetz” — Corporate Liability for Germany?
Sijad Allahverdiyev and Marvin Othman
CJEU: Germany’s Public Prosecution Authorities Cannot be Regarded as a “Judicial Authority” with Regard to EAWs—The Truth or a Misconstrual of the Legal Reality?
Sebastian Glaser and Sarah Hartmann
Assisted Suicide in Germany: The Landmark Ruling of the German Federal Constitutional Court of February 26, 2020
Hanna Göken and Franziska Zwießler
The Effects of SARS-CoV-2 on Criminal Procedure in Germany
Wilhem Bühner and Anni Rank
The Role of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in Climate Litigation – CORRIGENDUM
Josephine ven Zeben
The Difficulty of Defining Sensitive Data—The Concept of Sensitive Data in the EU Data Protection Framework – CORRIGENDUM
Paul Quinn and Gianclaudio Malgieri
Shadow Rulemaking: Governing Regulatory Innovation in the EU Financial Markets – ERRATUM
Heikki Marjosola