Volume 24 | Issue 4
Law and Political Imagination: The Perspective of Paul Kahn
Neil Walker and Marco Goldoni
The Political Jurisprudence of Paul W. Kahn
Martin Loughlin
God and Paul Kahn (A Note on Political Theology)
Denis Baranger
Beyond Victimization: On the Lasting Relevance of Political Sacrifice
Marco Goldoni
Political Theory and the Volunteer: Lessons from Kahn’s Ethnography of ‘Our Unhappy Politics’
Benjamin L. Berger
The Non-Fungible Value of Local Associations and its Invisibility to Law
Maria Cahill
The World of Constitutionalism is Not Flat
Or Bassok
Imagining Europe
Signe Rehling Larsen
Between Integration and the Rule of Law: EU Law’s Culture of Lawful Messianism
Toni Marzal
Kahn in Luxembourg: A Prolegomena to the Cultural Study of EU Law
Sabine Mair
A Scholarship of Engagement
Paul W. Kahn