Brexit Supplement
17 German Law Journal (2016)
Brexit Supplement
Brexit: An End to the End of History
Matej Avbelj
What Does It All Mean?
Gareth Davies
The EU Must Face the New Politics of Globalization
Mark Dawson
Brexit, Labour Rights and Migration: Why Wisbech Matters to Brussels
Simon Deakin
On the Continent Alone
Udo Di Fabio
Confusion Now Hath Made His Masterpiece: Brexit and the Bard
Matthias Goldmann
Is Europe in a Crisis of Faith?
Hans Michael Heinig
Legalism at a Dead End or the (Br)Exit of Politics
Florian Hoffmann
Post-Brexit Global Trade Relations: The Death of TTIP?
Amanda Lyons-Archambault
Does Brexit Spell the Death of Transnational Law?
Ralf Michaels
Brexit. Or, Is the European Union Educable?
Russell A. Miller
They Do What They Want, But Do They Also Know What They Want?
Christoph Möllers
Financial Services, the EU, and Brexit: An UncertainFuture for the City?
Niamh Moloney
Brexit: Time for a Reflection Period about the Finalitè of European Integration
Martin Nettesheim
Safety Valves and Complete Exits in European Treaty Politics
Will Phelan
Three Nearly-Certain Conclusions We Can Draw from the Uncertainty
Frank Schorkopf
Citizenship, Migration and Free Movement in Brexit Britain
Jo Shaw
Four Impious Points on Brexit
Alexander Somek
The European Fallout
Neil Walker
The Brexit Referendum and the Crisis of “Extreme Centrism”
Michael Wilkinson