We Stand with Orlando
We Stand with Orlando – GLJ Special Section on Same-Sex Marriage
In equal measure the editors of the German Law Journal express their outrage over the recent carnage at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando as well as their sympathy and solidarity with the wounded and the grieving.
The law has a fundamental role here, too. It must take an unequivocal and unwavering stand for the dignity and equality of all, no matter their sexual-orientation or sexual-identity. Especially at this time the Journal is proud to be able to offer a set of five articles that engage in a comparative reflection on the law concerning same-sex marriage in a number of jurisdictions, including the European Union, the European Human Rights system, Italy, Germany and the United States. These articles, and the steady legal gains they document for the LGBTQ community, present a modest but hopeful light against the darkness of the Orlando murders.