• Editorials

    Editorial | Volume 21 No. 02

    Volume 21 No. 2 Message for Issue 21.02 Dear Reader, The year is just six weeks old, but the German Law Journal is already releasing its second issue of the year. After starting vol…

  • Volume 02 (2001)

    Volume 02 No 13

    2 German Law Journal No. 13 (2001) Cutting-in On the Dance: The Federal Constitutional Court Rejects a Motion for a Temporary Injunction from Berlin’s Love Parade Federal Constitutional Court Issues Temporary Injunction in…

  • Volume 02 (2001)

    Volume 02 No 15

      2 German Law Journal No. 15 (2001) Book Review The Constitutional Meaning of Reconstruction and Reunification Thomas Potter Constitutional Control Of Marital Agreements II: The FCC Affirms Its Path-Breaking Decision European Court…

  • News

    Panama Papers

    Panama Papers – GLJ Coverage of Corruption and Tax Havens The German Law Journal almost seems to have anticipated the Panama Papers Controversy.   Our first issue of the year featured an impressive set…

  • News

    Anti-discrimination Law

    German Law Journal Coverage of Anti-Discrimination Law The German Law Journal is proud to publish in the August 2016 issue Barbara Havelková’s article “Resistance to Anti-Discrimination Law in Central and Eastern Europe–a Post-Communist…

  • News


    2016 German Law in Context Program Understanding Europe’s Refugee Crisis The German Law Journal is a proud sponsor of the annual German Law in Context (GLiC) Program at Washington & Lee University. The…