• Volume 02 (2001)

    Volume 02 No 05

    2 German Law Journal No. 5 (2001) Constitutional Court Reaffirms Privacy of the Home in Search and Seizure Desicion Dominik Hanf Court of First Instance of the European Communities Reverses Commission’s Approval of…

  • Volume 19 (2018)

    Volume 19 No 04

      19 German Law Journal No. 4 (2018) Law & the new Economy Michèle Finck Blockchains: Regulating the Unknown Robin F. Hansen Taking More than They Give: MNE Tax Privateering and Apple’s “Ocean”…

  • Volume 12 (2011)

    Volume 12 No 05

      12 German Law Journal No. 5 (2011) Special Issue: Beyond Dispute: International Judicial Institutions as Lawmakers Beyond Dispute: International Judicial Institutions as Lawmakers Armin von Bogdandy & Ingo Venzke Precedents: Lawmaking Through…

  • Volume 07 (2006)

    Volume 07 No 12

      7 German Law Journal No. 12 (2006) Article Editorial: The same performance, and so different. Marking the re-publication of From Apology to Utopia Alexandra Kemmerer & Morag Goodwin The Last Treatise: Project…

  • Volume 10 (2009)

    Volume 10 No 05

      10 German Law Journal No. 5 (2009) Article The Interpretation of Community Law by the European Court of Justice Giulio Itzcovich Development Liability for Online Services in Germany Thomas Hoeren Delimitation of…

  • Editorials

    Editorial | Volume 22 No. 5

    Esteemed Readers, Only two decades into the 21st century, it seems premature to take stock of it already, unless it concerns an area where the tides have shifted as dramatically as with regards…