• Editorials

    Editorial | Volume 23 No. 2

    Dear Readers, Didn’t we all wish for a fresh and calm but rather uneventful spring – where we would renew the joy of the wonderful aspects of academic life: engaging with colleagues and…

  • News

    Counter-Terror Law

    Constitutional Court to Rule on Counter-Terror Law GLJ Coverage of Germany’s Counter-Terrorism Regime The German Law Journal was established not long before the 11 September 2001 terror attacks in the U.S.  Unavoidably, our…

  • News


    2016 German Law in Context Program Understanding Europe’s Refugee Crisis The German Law Journal is a proud sponsor of the annual German Law in Context (GLiC) Program at Washington & Lee University. The…

  • Volume 02 (2001)

    Volume 02 No 05

    2 German Law Journal No. 5 (2001) Constitutional Court Reaffirms Privacy of the Home in Search and Seizure Desicion Dominik Hanf Court of First Instance of the European Communities Reverses Commission’s Approval of…

  • Volume 09 (2008)

    Volume 09 No 10

      9 German Law Journal No. 10 (2008) Article Ireland’s Constitutional Amendability and Europe’s Constitutional Ambition: the Lisbon Referendum in Context Maria Cahill Language Rights in the European Union Theodor Schilling Dignity, Rights,…

  • Volume 08 (2007)

    Volume 08 No 10

      8 German Law Journal No. 10 (2007) Special Issue: ‘Coup d’état in the courtroom’ The Juridical Coup d’État and the Problem of Authority Alec Stone Sweet Juridical Transformation as Process: A Comment…

  • Volume 06 (2005)

    Volume 06 No 04

      6 German Law Journal No. 4 (2005) Articles The Legal Framework of Regulatory Competition Based on Company Mobility: EU and US Compared Eva-Maria Kieninger Review Essay – Perspectives of Regulatory Competition in…

  • Volume 06 (2005)

    Volume 06 No 09

      6 German Law Journal No. 9 (2005) Articles An Exercise in the Development of International Law: The New ICRC Study on Customary International Humanitarian Law Malcolm MacLaren & Felix Schwendimann Development The…