Volume 21 | Issue 5
Wightman and the Perils of Britain’s Withdrawal
Giuseppe Martinico and Marta Simoncini
With or Without EU? The Common Travel Area After Brexit
Sylvia de Mars and C. R. G. Murray
The Diagonality Problem of EU Rule of Law and Human Rights: Proposal for an Incorporation à l’européenne
Csongor István Nagy
A Revised Democratic Critique of EU (Citizenship) Law: From Relative Homogeneity to Political Judgment
Päivi Johanna Neuvonen
The Prohibition on Constitutional Review by the Judiciary in the Netherlands in Critical Perspective: The Case and Roadmap for Reform
Gerhard van der Schyff
The Conceptualization of Constitutional Supremacy: Global Discourse and Legal Tradition
Graziella Romeo
Commerce in Data and the Dynamically Limited Alienability Rule
Václav Janeček and Gianclaudio Malgieri
Special Section
‘The German Federal Constitutional Court’s PSPP Judgment’
A Long Time Coming
Dieter Grimm
“Simply not comprehensible.” Why?
Sven Simon and Hannes Rathke
Value Constitutionalism in the European Union
Frank Schorkopf
Gauging “Ultra-Vires”: The Good Parts
Karsten Schneider
Paradoxes of Ultra-Vires Review: A Critical Review of the PSPP Decision and Its Initial Reception
Mattias Wendel
Against Bidimensional Supremacy in EU Constitutionalism
Vlad Perju
Constitutional Pluralism and Authoritarianism
Matej Avbelj
Is the Primacy of EU Law Based on the Equality of the Member States? A Comment on the CJEU’s Press Release Following the PSPP Judgment
Justin Lindeboom
Bring Back the Politics: The PSPP Ruling in Its Institutional Context
Teresa Violante
The European Economic Constitution after the PSPP Judgment: Towards Integrative Liberalism?
Matthias Goldmann
The German Federal Constitutional Court’s Exercise of Ultra Vires Review and the Possibility to Open an Infringement Action for the Commission
Sara Poli and Roberto Cisotta
The German Constitutional Court’s PSPP Judgment: Impediment and Impetus for the Democratization of Europe
Isabel Feichtner
How Far Is It from Warsaw to Luxembourg and Karlsruhe: The Impact of the PSPP Judgment on Poland
Stanisław Biernat
To Boldly Go Where No Court Has Gone Before. The German Federal Constitutional Court’s ultra vires Decision of May 5, 2020
Franz C. Mayer
