Volume 22 | Issue 3
Judicial and Extra-Judicial Challenges in the EU Multi- and Cross-Level Administrative Framework
Mariolina Eliantonio and Nikos Vogiatzis
The Notion of “Transnationality” in Administrative Law: Taxonomy and Judicial Review
Emilie Chevalier and Olivier Dubos
Effective Judicial Protection and Mutual Recognition in the European Administrative Space
Luis Arroyo Jiménez
The Genetically Modified Organisms’ Regime: A Playground for Multi-Level Administration and a Nightmare for Effective Judicial Protection?
Rui Lanceiro and Mariolina Eliantonio
Multi-level Administration, Inspections and Fundamental Rights: Is Judicial Protection Full and Effective?
Maurizia De Bellis
The EU Queries: A Form of Extra-Judicial Preliminary Reference in the Field of Maladministration?
Natassa Athanasiadou and Nikos Vogiatzis
Improving the Accountability of the EU Budget’s Multi-Level Implementation: Strengthening the Contribution of the European Court of Auditors
Gabriele Cipriani

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