• Volume 08 (2007)

    Volume 08 No 11

      8 German Law Journal No.11 (2007) Article The ECJ, Volkswagen and European Corporate Law: Reshaping the European Varieties of Capitalism Peer Zumbansen & Daniel Saam The Guarantee of Defence Counsel and the…

  • Volume 07 (2006)

    Volume 07 No 07

      7 German Law Journal No. 7 (2006) Article Embryonic Stem Cell Research according to German and European Law Christian Starck Gustav Radbruch and Hermann Kantorowicz: Two Friends and a Book – Reflections…

  • Volume 07 (2006)

    Volume 07 No 10

      7 German Law Journal No. 10 (2006) Article Discrimination in Individual-Related Employment – A View from Europe and Germany to Canada, analysing the Requirements and the Background of the European Anti-Discrimination Directives…

  • Volume 06 (2005)

    Volume 06 No 04

      6 German Law Journal No. 4 (2005) Articles The Legal Framework of Regulatory Competition Based on Company Mobility: EU and US Compared Eva-Maria Kieninger Review Essay – Perspectives of Regulatory Competition in…

  • Volume 05 (2004)

    Volume 05 No 02

      5 German Law Journal No. 2 (2004) Public Law Money Laundering and Surveillance of Telecommunication – The Recent Decision of the Bundesgerichtshof (BGH – Federal Court of Justice) Hans Kudlich and Florian…

  • Volume 05 (2004)

    Volume 05 No 07

      5 German Law Journal No. 7 (2004) Public Law Second-Class Citizens? Restricted Freedom of Movement for Spätaussiedler is Constitutional Amanda Klekowski von Koppenfels* The Hamburg Terror Trials – American Political Poker and…

  • Volume 05 (2004)

    Volume 05 No 08

      5 German Law Journal No. 8 (2004) Public Law Guaranteeing the Programming Mandate of Public Broadcasters and Restraints on Private Broadcasters’ Programmes in Multimedia Conditions Karl-Heinz Ladeur Private Law The Last Word?…

  • Volume 03 (2002)

    Volume 03 No 10

      3 German Law Journal No. 10 (2002) Book Review — Like Blind Men Feeling an Elephant: Scholars’ Ongoing Attempts to Ascertain the Role of Non-State Actors in International Law Malcolm MacLaren Book…

  • Volume 03 (2002)

    Volume 03 No 12

      3 German Law Journal No. 12 (2002) Between Law and Necessity: The Federal Constitutional Court Confirms the Right of the Federal Government to Warn the Public (In Reply to Marion Albers) Reinhard…

  • Editorials

    Editorial | Volume 20 No. 07

    Volume 20 No. 7 Dear Friends of the German Law Journal! As we have mentioned more often than you probably like to hear, 2019 marks the twentieth anniversary of the German Law Journal…