An Open Access, Peer Reviewed Forum for Transnational and Interdisciplinary Encounters with German, European & International Law When the founding editors of the German Law Journal, Russell A. Miller and Peer C. Zumbansen, were…

  • Editorials

    Editorial | Volume 21 No. 4

    Dear Esteemed Reader, It is my pleasure to announce the most recent issue of the German Law Journal and remind you of our most recent Call for Special Issue Proposals (submission deadline 31…

  • Volume 21 (2020)

    Volume 21 | Issue 4

    Electing Team Strasbourg: Professional Diversity on the European Court of Human Rights and Why it Matters Kanstantsin Dzehtsiarou and Alex Schwartz The Tragedy of the Judiciary: An Inquiry into the Economic Nature of Law and…

  • Volume 13 (2012)

    Volume 13 No 05

      13 German Law Journal No. 5 (2012) Articles From Compliance to Rulemaking: How Global Corporate Norms Emerge from Interplay with States and Stakeholders Olaf Dilling The Strategic Constitution in Action: Canada’s Afghan…

  • Volume 13 (2012)

    Volume 13 No 07

      13 German Law Journal No. 7 (2012) Articles The Desirability of ‘Weak’ Form Legal Harmonization: Perspectives from Statutory Interpretation and Legal Coherence Mark Humphery-Jenner Enhanced Multi-Level Protection of Human Dignity in a…

  • Volume 12 (2011)

    Volume 12 No 03

      12 German Law Journal No. 3 (2011) Articles The Limits of Legislative Harmonisation Ten Years After Tobacco Advertising: How the Court’s Case Law Has Become a “Drafting Guide” Stephen Weatherill German Socially…

  • Volume 11 (2010)

    Volume 11 No 09

      11 German Law Journal No. 9 (2010) Obituary Obituary – Cornelia Vismann Peer Zumbansen, Russell Miller & Alexandra Kemmerer Article Conflicts of Competence Norms in EU Law and the Legal Reasoning of…

  • Volume 09 (2008)

    Volume 09 No 07

      9 German Law Journal No. 7 (2008) Article Incommunicado Detention in Germany: An Example of Reactive Anti-terror Legislation and Long-term Consequences Anna Oehmichen The Decisions No. 348 and 349/2007 of the Italian…

  • Volume 09 (2008)

    Volume 09 No 10

      9 German Law Journal No. 10 (2008) Article Ireland’s Constitutional Amendability and Europe’s Constitutional Ambition: the Lisbon Referendum in Context Maria Cahill Language Rights in the European Union Theodor Schilling Dignity, Rights,…

  • Volume 08 (2007)

    Volume 08 No 01

      8 German Law Journal No. 1 (2007) Articles: Special Issue – What Future for Kosovo Special Issue Introduction – What Future for Kosovo? – From Province to Protectorate to State? Speculation on…