• Editorials

    Editorial | Volume 21 S1

    Volume 21 No. S1 A Message for Issue 21.S1 Esteemed readers, dear friends, It is my great pleasure to introduce you to our new Special Issue (vol. 21 issue S1) on the two seminal decisions…

  • Volume 09 (2008)

    Volume 09 No 02

      9 German Law Journal No. 2 (2008) Article Name Changes as Symbolic Reparation after Transition: the Examples of Germany and South Africa Mia Swart Lüth’s 50th Anniversary: Some Comparative Observations on the…

  • Editorials,  Volume 24 (2023)

    Editorial | Volume 24 No. 8

    Dear Readers and Friends, Our latest Special Issue challenges our ways of understanding courts as principally formalized institutions following strict rules and procedures. Beyond this common perception, courts are shaped by many unwritten,…

  • Volume 04 (2003)

    Volume 04 No 12

      4 German Law Journal No. 12 (2003) Public Law Federal Constitutional Court Grants Interim Legal Protection Against Service of a Writ of Punitive Damages Suit Bettina Friedrich Extradition, Human Rights, and the…

  • Volume 02 (2001)

    Volume 02 No 14

      2 German Law Journal No. 14 (2001) Special Issue A European Constitutional Treaty: The Blueprint for the European Union Justice Prof. Dr. Udo Di Fabio Comment to Prof. Dr. Dr. Di Fabio’…

  • News

    Speech and Tolerance in German Law

    Speech and Tolerance in German Law Jan Böhmermann’s satiric poem speculating on Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s fondness for animals has again uncovered Germany’s complicated relationship with free speech.  In this month’s issue,…

  • Editorials

    Editorial | Volume 24 No. 2

    It is my great pleasure to introduce issue 24.2, which is the first of our issues to be composed from articles published under our new FirstView process. Each of these articles was published FirstView on…

  • Volume 04 (2003)

    Volume 04 No 09

      4 German Law Journal No. 9 (2003) Special Issue New Transatlantic Tension and the Kagan Phenomenon: A Primer Craig Smith Antinomies of Power and Law: A Comment on Robert Kagan Andreas Paulus…