• Editorials,  News

    ‘Tis the Season

    Dear Readers! As the year draws to an end, we are all getting prepared to wrap up the last projects and classes of the year, and maybe also little gifts and presents, tokens…

  • Volume 24 (2023)

    Volume 24 | Issue 1

    Introduction Economic Interventionism and International Trade Law in the Covid Era Leonardo Borlini Articles Systemic Changes in the Politicization of the International Trade Relations and the Decline of the Multilateral Trading System Giorgio…


    An Open Access, Peer Reviewed Forum for Transnational and Interdisciplinary Encounters with German, European & International Law When the founding editors of the German Law Journal, Russell A. Miller and Peer C. Zumbansen, were…

  • Editorials

    Editorial | Volume 23 No. 7

    Dear readers, With the new academic year either already underway or just around the corner, we truly hope you had a relaxing and inspiring summer break, with plenty of opportunities to turn towards…

  • Editorials

    Editorial | Volume 23 No. 2

    Dear Readers, Didn’t we all wish for a fresh and calm but rather uneventful spring – where we would renew the joy of the wonderful aspects of academic life: engaging with colleagues and…

  • Volume 14 (2013)

    Volume 14 No 08

      14 German Law Journal No. 8 (2013) Special Issue: Constitutional Reasoning Preface to the German Law Journal’s Constitutional Reasoning Special EditionAndreas Voßkuhle Foreword: Understanding Constitutional Reasoning Arthur Dyevre & András Jakab Democracy…