Special Issue: Ethical Challenges of Corrupt Practices
Special Issue
Ethical Challenges of Corrupt Practices Formal and Informal Conflicts of Norms and Their Moral Ramifications
The first issue of the German Law Journal’s 17th Volume presents special coverage on the “Ethical Challenges of Corrupt Practices.” It was edited by Sebastian Wolff of the University of Konstanz and Peter Graeff of the University of Kiel. Sadly, as the recent developments at FIFA suggest, there is still quite a lot to be done in the effort to understand and combat corruption and bribery around the world. Germany is no exception, despite Transparency International’s conclusion that the country has a “good to very good” level of integrity. For example, Germany is bracing for the results of an investigation into the circumstances by which it won the right to host the 2006 “Sommermärchen” World Cup Tournament. Despite the persistence of the problem, it remains an underdeveloped area for scholarly inquiry. The German Law Journal is pleased that this special issue – which surveys and assesses reforms and new legislation at the national, regional, and international levels – will make an interdisciplinary contribution to much needed research on the issue.