Support GLJ
For almost 20 years, the German Law Journal has provided “Open Access to Comparative, European, and International Law” (as our new tagline reads). This will not change when we join Cambridge University Press (CUP) in 2019, a nonprofit publisher. Becoming part of CUP will make the Journal an even better one while staying true to its original mission to publish high-quality and exciting scholarship free for readers and authors alike. Our no-fee policy is actually non-negotiable and will always remain in place.
Unfortunately, though, even open access publishing has a price tag. The costs we generate are low for a journal of this impact. Most of the editing is in the trusted hands of a wonderful team of student editors at Washington & Lee University in Lexington, VA. All of them work for free. The editorial board works for free (of course). Nevertheless, we need to shoulder expenses i.a. for our IT infrastructure, including our website (which will continue to operate), and for occasional meetings and public events (like the anniversary conference at LSE on 26 April 2019).
It is for this reason that we ask you for donations. Part of our current transition process is that the German Law Journal has taken on the garment of a German non-profit organization, a Verein. As such, the German Law Journal will be able to issue donation receipts, so donations to the project will be tax-deductible for German contributors. And we also have a new bank account. With all due reservation, these are the account details:
IBAN: DE07 4306 0967 6052 4965 00
Thank you very much for your support!