Volume 22 | Issue 1
The Place of Labor Rights in the European Union’s Environmental Policies
Pascal McDougall
The Democratic Impact of Strengthening European Fundamental Rights in the Digital Age: The Example of Privacy Protection
Sandra Seubert and Carlos Becker
The Impact on National Sovereignty of Mutual Recognition in the AFSJ. Case-Study of the European Arrest Warrant
Suzanne Andrea Bloks and Ton van den Brink
Legal Lobbying: The Evolving (But Hidden) Role of Lawyers and Law Firms in the EU Public Affairs Market
Emilia Korkea-aho
Enlarging the Immunities of European Parliament’s Members: The Junqueras Judgment
Victor Torre de Silva
Peer-to-Peer Lending and EU Credit Laws: A Creditworthiness Assessment, Credit-Risk Analysis or … Neither of the Two?
Federico Ferretti
Resolving the Inconsistency Between National and EU Motor Insurance Law. Was Factortame the Solution Nobody Sought?
James Marson, Hasan Alissa, and Katy Ferris

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