Volume 22 | Issue 2
The Next Generation of International Law: Space, Ice, and the Cosmolegal Proposal
Elena Cirkovic
Conceptual Problems of the Right to Breathe Clean Air
Sava Jankovic
Judicial Review of Compliance with the Precautionary Principle from Paraquat to Blaise: “Quantitative Thresholds,” Risk Assessment, and the Gap Between Regulation and Regulatory Implementation
Giulia Claudia Leonelli
Measuring Procedural and Substantial Amendment Rules: An Empirical Exploration
Nuno Garoupa and Catarina Santos Botelho
Theory of Social Proof and Legal Compliance: A Socio-Cognitive Explanation for Regulatory (Non) Compliance
Shubhangi Roy
Special Section: Developments in German Criminal Law
The Curious Case of Carles Puigdemont—The European Arrest Warrant as an Inadequate Means with Regard to Political Offenses
Julia König, Paulina Meichelbeck, and Miriam Puchta
Desecration of Corpses in Relation to § 8(1) no. 9 German Code of Crimes Against International Law (VStGB): The Judgment of the German Federal Court of Justice (Bundesgerichtshof) of July 27, 2017–3 StR 57/17
Vanessa Bergmann, Franziska Blenk, and Nathalie Cojger
Developments in German Criminal Law: Speed Merchant or Murderer? The Ku’Damm Road Race Case and the New Criminal Legislation Regulating Illegal Motor Racing
Khulan Davaanyam, Franziska Wolff, and Ranya Khalaf
Developments in German Criminal Law: The Urgent Issues Regarding Prolonged Pre-Trial Detention in Germany
Sina Jung, Carolin Petrick, Eva Maria Schiller, and Lukas Münster