GLJ and Public International Law
The German Law Journal and Public International Law
Image: Berlin, U-Bahnhof Westhafen – Quotes from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Molgreen (2014) – Wikimedia Commons
The German Law Journal has long served as a forum for timely and innovative commentary on public international law. The first issue of Volume 19 is representative of that tradition. We are proud to publish four impressive works from scholars around the world, including Brazil, Northern Ireland, Germany, and Hong Kong. These theoretically rich articles engage with some of international law’s enduring questions:
- Arthur Roberto Capella Giannattasio (Brazil)
The Interaction between International and Domestic Legal Orders: Framing the Debate according to the Post-Modern Condition of International Law - Mark P. Hanna (Northern Ireland)
The Substantive/Procedural Distinction: Law’s Solution to the Problem of Jus Cogens in a World of Sovereign States - Ibrahim Kanalan (German)
Extraterritorial State Obligations Beyond the Concept of Jurisdiction - Artem Sergeev (Hong Kong)
Unilateral Law and Non-State Actors: Exploring a New Paradigm
These contributions add to the GLJ’s deep catalogue of public international law scholarship. Some highlights from the archive of special issues in the field of public international law include:
- Special Issue: The Crisis in Ukraine (2015)
- Beyond Dispute: International Judicial Institutions as Lawmakers (2011)
- Special Issue: The Kantian Project of International Law (2009)
- Special Issue: The Exercise of Public Authority by International Institutions (2008)
- From Apologia to Utopia: A Celebration of Martti Koskenniemi’s Scholarship in International Law (2006)