• News

    2016 GLiC – Refugee Crisis

    2016 German Law in Context Program Understanding Europe’s Refugee Crisis The German Law Journal is a proud sponsor of the annual German Law in Context (GLiC) Program at Washington & Lee University. The…

  • News

    The Great Data Rush

    Data is the new gold. The availability of data and capacity to process it grows ever more in importance both for the economy and for politics. The rise of digital technologies has engaged…

  • Volume 19 (2018)

    Volume 19 No 06

      19 German Law Journal No. 6 (2018) Articles Anatole Abaquesne de Parfouru “Breaking through the Foul and Ugly Mists of Vapours” – Regulation of Alternative Tobacco and Related Products by the New…

  • Volume 15 (2014)

    Volume 15 No 03

      15 German Law Journal No. 3 (2014) Articles Fundamental Freedoms, Fundamental Rights, and the Scope of Free Movement Law Francesco de Cecco Bringing Rights More Home: Can a Home-grown UK Bill of…

  • Editorials

    Editorial | Volume 23 No. 6

    Esteemed readers, dear friends,   Do you like books? So do we. And do you like book reviews? Same here. But why does the German Law Journal hardly publish book reviews? The reason…

  • Volume 13 (2012)

    Volume 13 No 03

      13 German Law Journal No. 3 (2012) Articles Privacy: Back to the Roots J.C. Buitelaar Corporate Participation in the Democratic Process in the United States and Germany Sabine Weber Old Weimar Meets…

  • Volume 12 (2011)

    Volume 12 No 07

      12 German Law Journal No. 7 (2011) Articles The Global Administrative Order Through a German Lens: Perception and Influence of Legal Structures of Global Governance in Germany Philipp Dann and Marie v.…

  • Volume 11 (2010)

    Volume 11 No 02

      11 German Law Journal No. 2 (2010) Article The German Supervisory Board on Its Way to Professionalism Jan Lieder Goods, Persons, Services and Capital in the European Union: Jurisprudential Routes to Free…