• Volume 23 (2022)

    Volume 23 | Issue 2

    Linking Money to Values: The New Rule of Law Conditionality Regulation and Its Constitutional Challenges Antonia Baraggia and Matteo Bonelli The End of Satellite Treaty Law as We Know It? The German Federal Constitutional…

  • Volume 02 (2001)

    Volume 02 No 14

      2 German Law Journal No. 14 (2001) Special Issue A European Constitutional Treaty: The Blueprint for the European Union Justice Prof. Dr. Udo Di Fabio Comment to Prof. Dr. Dr. Di Fabio’…

  • Volume 02 (2001)

    Volume 02 No 17

      2 German Law Journal No. 17 (2001) A Lack of Language – Waging War or Combatting Crime? The Blurred Rule of International Law in the Face of the Attacks of September 11,…

  • News

    ICON.S Conference

    GLJ at the ICON.S Conference – Berlin 19 June 2016 The ICON.S meeting in Berlin from 17-19 June 2016 gave us the unique chance to reflect on the role of transnational legal publishing…

  • News

    Brazil’s Summer Games

    The GLJ and Brazil’s Summer Games With the world’s eyes turned toward Rio and the summer games, the German Law Journal is pleased to have published this month the smart contribution from Brazilian…

  • News

    Legal History

    German Law Journal and Legal History The German Law Journal has a long-running interest in the law’s historical position, not the least because our transnational understanding of the law requires us to be…

  • Volume 18 (2017)

    Volume 18 No 02

      18 German Law Journal No. 2 (2017) Introduction: Arguments for Cultural Approaches to Law Introduction: Mapping the Pluralist Character of Cultural Approaches to Law Greta Olson Law as Culture? Culturalist Perspectives in…