• News

    2016 GLiC – Refugee Crisis

    2016 German Law in Context Program Understanding Europe’s Refugee Crisis The German Law Journal is a proud sponsor of the annual German Law in Context (GLiC) Program at Washington & Lee University. The…

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    2016 German Law in Context Program Understanding Europe’s Refugee Crisis The German Law Journal is a proud sponsor of the annual German Law in Context (GLiC) Program at Washington & Lee University. The…

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    Liberal Democracy’s Crisis in Turkey

    Liberal Democracy’s Crisis in Turkey The German Law Journal is following developments in Turkey with increasing alarm.  We fear that this exceptional country’s democratic journey has reached a perilous, perhaps even existential, moment.…

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    Anti-discrimination Law

    German Law Journal Coverage of Anti-Discrimination Law The German Law Journal is proud to publish in the August 2016 issue Barbara Havelková’s article “Resistance to Anti-Discrimination Law in Central and Eastern Europe–a Post-Communist…

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    Legal History

    German Law Journal and Legal History The German Law Journal has a long-running interest in the law’s historical position, not the least because our transnational understanding of the law requires us to be…

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    Brazil’s Summer Games

    The GLJ and Brazil’s Summer Games With the world’s eyes turned toward Rio and the summer games, the German Law Journal is pleased to have published this month the smart contribution from Brazilian…