• Editorials

    Editorial | Volume 23 No. 8

    Dear readers, In this latest issue of the German Law Journal we take a tour through different aspects of judicial and constitutional culture. Haukur Logi Karlsson kicks us off with a thorough discussion…

  • Volume 23 (2022)

    Volume 23 | Issue 8

    The Emergence of the Established “By Law” Criterion for Reviewing European Judicial Appointments Haukur Logi Karlsson “Good” Court-Packing? The Paradoxes of Constitutional Repair in Contexts of Democratic Decay Tom Gerald Daly The Enemy…

  • Editorials

    Editorial | Volume 23 No. 7

    Dear readers, With the new academic year either already underway or just around the corner, we truly hope you had a relaxing and inspiring summer break, with plenty of opportunities to turn towards…

  • Volume 23 (2022)

    Volume 23 | Issue 7

    Introduction Legal Scholars Engaging with Social Anthropology: Hardships and Gains Marie-Claire Foblets, Jean-François Gaudreault-DesBiens and Michele Graziadei A Focus on the Literature: Anthropology as a Source of Theoretical and Conceptual Inspiration When Comparative Law…

  • Volume 23 (2022)

    Volume 23 | Issue 6

    Introduction New Private Law Theory—A Very Brief Introduction Stefan Grundmann, Hans-W. Micklitz and Moritz Renner Article About the Methods of Studying Private Law: An Italian Perspective Guido Alpa “New Private Law Theory” as a…

  • Volume 23 (2022)

    Volume 23 | Issue 5

    Forty-Years of the Modernization of Chinese Socialist Legality: Strategy, Lacuna, and Outlook Xiaodan Zhang and Wenjia Yan The Rules-Based Order, International Law and the British Indian Ocean Territory: Do as I Say, Not as…

  • Editorials

    Editorial | Volume 23 No. 4

    Dear Readers, We are delighted to bring this issue 23.4 to you. It contains seven excellent articles alongside a special section of short-form papers dedicated to the analysis of recent developments in criminal…

  • Volume 23 (2022)

    Volume 23 | Issue 4

    Making Do With What We Have: On the Interpretation and Enforcement of the EU’s Founding Values Tom L. Boekestein Beware the Lure of Narratives: “Hungry Judges” Should Not Motivate the Use of “Artificial…